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How to Manually Unlock a Payment Exchange Waiver

This article is for subcontractors that receive payment electronically through GCPay. By design, GCPay will collect and hold a payment exchange waiver until payment is made in full, at which point GCPay will automatically release the lien waiver to the general contractor.

On occasion, the general contractor may pay all or some of the approved pay app amount outside of GCPay (joint checks, payment by check, offsetting payments, etc.). When this happens, GCPay will NOT release the payment exchange waiver, as GCPay did not facilitate payment in full and cannot verify that payment has been received. In this event, the subcontractor will need to verify receipt of funds by manually unlocking the payment exchange waiver by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the associated project and find the referenced AFP in the Applications for Payment table.
  2. Click Waivers in the Actions column of the referenced AFP.
  3. Click the 3-dot menu in the Actions column for the Payment Exchange Waiver.
  4. Select Unlock Waiver.
  5. Click Yes on the Unlock Waiver? dialog only when you have confirmed that payments has been received in full.

Evan is the author of this solution article.

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